STK-ID 19463

Series of shots of large tractor pulling seed drill in field, shots focus on dry land that blow away in strong wind after passage of tractor (2:02). MSs of prairie fire raging in tall grasses (2:06). CU pacing cultivator machine riping through caked dry earth (0:59). MLSs of tractor rigged with cultivator and seed drill in field (two shots; 1:14). CU of parched land (0:27). Ground level CU of no till seed drill in operation in field, camera is rigged on machine (0:24). LS of large Versatile tractor rigged with seed drill in field, seen through shimmering heat waves (0:27). Ground level MS of tractor rigged with cultivator heading straight towards camera, it turns left before camera, lifting a cloud of dust (0:51).


Excerpt from
Perspectives in Science
Prairie Provinces
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Video Disk, Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Betacam SP
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486