MSs of combine harversting wheat field (1:02). LS of abandoned farm house in middle of tilled field, a hawk is perched on roof, MS of same (0:25). CS of ripe wheat swaying in the wind, slow TILT UP revealing endless field (0:33). Good FOLLOW SHOT of combine harvesting wheat field, good CSs of header at front of machine passing by camera and straw speader at rear (1:40). CU of ripe wheat, TILT UP to MS of combine heading towards camera (0:34). CS of ripe wheat swaying in the wind (0:39). MSs of combine unloading wheat into truck (0:47). Good CS pacing combine's header (1:00). Good shots from operator's POINT OF VIEW (1:52). CS of wheat coming out of grain elevator in grain tank (0:34). POINT OF VIEW SHOT from grain tank of grain pouring out of unloading tube into truck (0:47).