Interior shot of office, woman typing at desk, other woman taking file box from files lining wall, walking out of frame. LAS of bridge of research ship, man looking up. LAS of man repairing something at top of low mast, radar scanner in background. MS of man's head sticking out of deck hatch, man is smoking. Shot of German crewman contemplating small winch and pile of cable on deck, he is joined by another German. Shot of man casting into calm sea, Woods Hole Harbour buildings in the distance. Two shots of water rolling gently onto pebble beach, between stones and boulders, TILT UP to harbour entrance in the distance, few buildings. Shot of rocky beach strewn with small boulders, water rolling slowly up onto beach. CS of water moving in gently between boulders, TILT UP to harbour entrance. HAS of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, PAN to pier, assorted small crafts and research motor ships moored to dock. (00/05/1959)