New Canadian City (08/01/1953): shots of Sim's brush and broom factory in Lancaster, of New Brunswick provincial hospital, of Ford motor reassembly plant, of Irving pulp and paper mill, of Moosehead brewery, of New Lancaster school, of housing development on Quintin heights, of New Brunswick Protestant orphanage, of Dexter Construction limited, of motorcade on Main Street and the post office. Shot of magistrate C Earl Logan swearing in police and fire chiefs. Shot of mayor and Mrs Horsier and city council receiving citizen of the new city, formerly Fairfield. Shot of lieutenant-governor David Laurence MacLaren reading proclamation ruling Lancaster Canada's newest city, charter given to mayor D Patterson. Shots of audience applauding. Various shots of Main Street, of Gaiety Theatre, name at entrance of city changed from Fairfield to Lancaster. Shot of Manowoganish Road, of Lancaster Military Hospital. LS of Reversing Falls Bridge. Shot of Lancaster's newest citizen born early on the morning of New Year's day, son of Mr and Mrs Reginald Risley. Shots of Main Street, fire station, one of the six outdoor skating rinks, Saint Rose's RC Church and Baptish Church.