STK-ID 19566

[Titles: Playgrounds of the Prairies; presented by National Parks of Canada, Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa] Shots of fields dotted with stooks, sheaves of wheat, horse-drawn wagon in background. Shots of car leaving farmhouse, driving along road bordered with tall trees, arriving at park warden's camp. Various scenic shots of lake (Clear Lake), forests, highway with automobile driving. PAN over tent and trailer park. Various shots of activities: horseback riding, walking among the well-kept flower beds in Wasagaming, swimming, diving, sailing, boating. Riders are shown watering their mounts, riding along the lakeshore. Various shots of tennis matches. Good shots of buffalo herd, including buffalos fighting. Good shots of deer herd, does and stags; of a doe with her head through the open window of a car. Various shots of golf game. Final scenic views of lake, trees, flowers and sunset over Clear Lake. MLS of couple on small bridge. They get in car. Various shots of woman walking. [Titles interspersed]


Excerpt from
Playground of the Prairies
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486