Prime Minister Louis Saint-Laurent visits Vancouver (20/04/1949): MLS of CNR station, crowd waiting. Interior shot of Louis Saint-Laurent stepping off train with his wife and daughter, being greeted by mayor Charles Thompson. Prime minister, mayor, wife and daughter posing for camera. Sequence on inspection of Royal Canadian Air Force honour guard, waving at people, laying of wreath at cenotaph, police pipe band playing. Sequence at city hall, prime minister Saint-Laurent with two little girls representing Newfoundland and British Columbia. LALS of official party on monumental steps of city hall. CS of party, of presentation of gold key to the city by mayor, speech by prime minister. Rear HASs of speech, crowd in front of city hall, statue of George Vancouver at top of steps. Shot of banner welcoming Newfoundland to Canada. Interior shot of city hall, signing of guest book by the Saint-Laurents. Visit to Shaughnessy Veteran's Hospital, chats with doctors, nurses, patients. MCS of young girls vigourously shaking small Union Jacks at the prime minister. Sequence on visit to University of British Columbia, greetings by president, Dr McKenzie and chats with students.