STK-ID 19994

HAMS of two medium sized cargo boats tied up at dock of Coast Ferries Ltd. HALS of Coast Ferries Ltd. yards, along a river bank. Several shots from different angles of cargo boat being loaded by a forklift and a crane, including shots of man operating crane. CSs of forklift carrying chains, coming toward camera, and dropping them on pile of steel wires then backing up out of view. CSs of man attaching to forklift bundles of steel wire held together by chains. Follow shot of forklift lifting bundles and driving away. CS of welder cutting into sheet of metal with blow torch; ZOOM IN on sheet of metal being cut, with sparks flying.


Excerpt from
Pretend You're Wearing a Barrel
Powell River
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio