STK-ID 20028

Shots of presidential motorcade passing by camera. Cut to spectators lining route. HAS of motorcade arriving at Government House gate, pausing (for inspection of honour guard not shown in this sequence) and continuing on through gate. LS of motorcade driving up to door of Government House. Shot of the principals posing at door, re-entering building. Various MLSs of Government House. Sequence on president Harry S Truman of USA and governor general Alexander walking in garden, rest of party some distance behind, Truman planting ceremonial tree, Mrs Truman doing her bit. Shots of event from different angle. MS of sign to the effect that Harry S Truman planted this tree. Sequence on wreath laying ceremony at cenotaph in Confederation Square, motorcade arriving, Truman laying wreath, standing at attention as national anthem is played. HALS of cenotaph, crowd, soldiers, from roof of building on Elgin Street. ELS of Harry S Truman arriving, depositing wreath, pausing at foot of monument. (00/06/1947)


Excerpt from
President Truman in Ottawa
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486