STK-ID 200520

French interview with movie star Jodie Foster on the red carpet of the premiere of the film "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" in Los Angeles, California. Media and fans. Media and fans of stars near the red carpet awaiting the arrival of the stars of the film "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys". Actor Emile Hirsch gives an interview to a journalist. Actor Kieran Culkin gives an interview to a reporter from KTLA. TV Guide Channel Micro identified. Actress Jena Malone gives an interview. Jodie Foster signs autographs (her back is to the camera) we hear fans screaming "Jodie". INTERVIEW (French) CU Jodie Foster on the red carpet. Jodie Foster gives interviews to other reporters. Jodie Foster signs autographs. Keywords: CALIFORNIA,FILM,UNITED STATES,LOS ANGELES


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Available formats
Digital Bétacam
Shooting format
Digital Betacam
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486