STK-ID 20214

LAMS of cannon, armoury in background (Manège militaire de Québec), Canadian flag at half mast. ZOOM OUT from United States flag at half mast to street. Short PAN from MLS of Chateau Frontenac to Canadian flag at half mast. ZOOM IN on flag. Level and canted shots of statue of Champlain. LAS of Chateau Frontenac, TILT DOWN to boardwalk (Terrasse Dufferin). PAN from quiet Quebec City street to picture of Premier Daniel Johnson in storefront. Various shots of public in line to pay last hommage to Premier Daniel Johnson, including views of Quebec Legislature in background, long lines of people. Two shots of facade of Quebec Legislature. TILT DOWN from facade of Legislature to queue of people stretching across grounds. Three shots of queue from high vantage point. Three level shots of people in queue, some teenagers. Brief profile shot of acting Premier Jean-Jacques Bertrand at airport. Shot of Quebec government jet taxiing, Prime Minister Maurice Couve de Murville of France stepping out, being welcomed. Sequence on Prime Minister Couve de Murville getting into limousine. Cut to motorcycle policeman. Cut back to limousine leaving. Sequence on French Prime Minister Couve de Murville at Legislature, being introduced to acting Premier Jean-Jacques Bertrand, shaking hands. Cut to Premier Daniel Johnson lying in state. HAS of crowd filing by casket, of Premier Daniel Johnson lying in casket. Shots of Mrs Johnson arriving with Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, acting Premier Jean-Jacques Bertrand and her sons (Daniel and Pierre-Marc Johnson). Shot of Mrs Johnson coming in, praying, looking at her husband. Shot of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Mrs Johnson shaking hands all around. (29/09/1968)


Excerpt from
Premier D. Johnson's Funeral
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080