STK-ID 20513

CUs of Minister of Finance Gagnon, Minister of Mines French, Minister of Highways Talbot and Minister of Lands and Forests Bourke. Shots of group with J Timmins at Ancienne-Lorette Airport near Quebec City, group boarding plane. Several medium level AERIAL SHOTs of northland, multitude of lakes, Grand Falls on Hamilton River. Ground shots of Burnt Creek base camp at Hollinger Gold Mines. Various shots of Mr Durrell, general manager of Hollinger Mine showing maps of area to ministers. Shots of group boarding pick-up truck. CU of minister French looking at ore sample. Shots of group of ministers looking at site of manganese deposit. Shot of Mr Retty, chief geologist showing sample from deposit found only three feet beneath the surface to visitors. CU of manganese ore. Shot of ministers entering Terriman Addit, coming out again. Various shots of test drill in operation, minister French, Durrell and Bellemaire looking on. Sequence on operation of power shovel, ministers looking on, visit to other ore body, Retty handing ministers ore samples. GROUND TO AIR SHOT of bush plane flying by at low attitude. Sequence on men loading dismantled station wagon into DC-3 aircraft. (04/08/1949)


Excerpt from
Quebec Ministers Visit Northern Quebec
L'Ancienne-Lorette, Burnt Creek
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Video HI 8
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio