STK-ID 20636

Quebec's New Archbishop (Quebec City, 25/08/1947): various HASs of parade, of many children's bands coming down Grande Allee, TILT UP to Porte Saint-Louis. MS of Monsignor Georges Pelletier and Monsignor Maurice Roy in convertible car. Shots of parade showing Knights of Columbus, bands, zouaves and large crowd lining street. Various shots of Monsignor Roy entering palace courtyard, company of zouaves carrying old rifles, zouave band, Knights of Columbus, band of the 22nd Regiment also marching in. Several shots of long procession of clergy in white surplices preceding Archbishop Roy wearing Episcopal robe. Shots of crowd. Darkish interior HALSs of Basilica of Notre Dame during Enthronement ceremony in which Monsigor Roy becomes the 11th Archbishop of Quebec. TILT UP Notre Dame Basilica, LAS of French, English, American, Canadian and Quebec flags. Sequence on principals including Monsignor Ildebrando Antoniutti, Papal Nuncio and Archbishop Roy leaving the Basilica, blessing crowd, people lining street, procession heading for the Archbishop's palace. Shots of procession arriving in courtyard, of Archbishop Roy and Monsignor Antoniutti entering palace.


Excerpt from
Québec's New Archbishop
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio