STK-ID 20647

[Remark: the First Annual Canadian Folk Song Festival is held at Chateau Frontenac in Quebec, the capital of old French Canada.] LS of Chateau Frontenac as seen from boat moving slowly. ESTABLISHING SHOT of Chateau Frontenac and shots of tourists strolling along Dufferin Terrace. Shot of narrowest street in Quebec City, rue Sous Le Cap showing washing hanging on a line stretched across street from one side to the other. Policeman on motorcycle, followed by 1926 model car, moving through narrow street. Several shots of old, ancient houses in lower section of Quebec. Shots of bartering over produce. Shot of early Quebec farmhouse and 1926 model car rambling down road. Shot of "habitant" farmer using team of oxen and early model seeder to plant spring crop. Shot of elderly, bearded "well side-burned" Quebec farmer.


Excerpt from
Quebec Folk Song Festival
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486