MSs of dog in laboratory cage, of dog coming out of cage, of empty cage. Shot of several cages on laboratory floor. CUs of hands holding flasks with chemicals, pouring liquid into flask, of hands playing with dog. CU of mortar and pestle on table, of beaker and funnel, of hands taking beaker, holding test tube. Various shots of dog lying sick on floor, getting up and staggering around floor. CUs of hands writing notes on pad, indicating level of blood sugar and time, CU of clock. CU of hands adjusting knobs on laboratory apparatus. Interior shot of laboratory, dog racing through. CU of whirling fan. CU of man's hand holding dog's paw, getting blood sample with syringe. CU of hands of man handling beakers and pipette. CU of dog lying on floor, looking alert. CU of hands mortaring some chemical, preparing filter, pouring chemical into funnel.