STK-ID 20649

Shots of VC-10 royal plane arriving, of royal couple getting off, shaking hands with Governor General Roland Michener, Prime Minster Lester B Pearson and other dignitaries, of Queen Elizabeth II walking into hangar as guards present arms, of Queen standing on red carpet in hangar, inspecting honour guard, signing guest book. Shots of royal couple and retinue after ceremonies, walking to royal car, driving off with Royal Canadian Mounted Police motorcycle escort, children waving small flags. Several shots of guards on parade. Shot of man on ground, being attended to. Shots of soldiers, crowd on Confederation Square in Ottawa, of Queen Elizabeth arriving, taking the salute. Several colourful shots of folk dancers and singers including the Yevshan dancers, and an Indigenous group, the British Columbia Highland Lasses, the Chinese Community dancers. Various CUs and MSs of feet and dancers. Sequence on Queen Elizabeth II at Cenotaph, guard officers inviting Queen to inspect honour guard. More shots of entertainment featuring the Kiev Girl Gymnasts, the Fantaisistes, dressed up as monks. Several shots of Queen Elizabeth and party watching, of spectators. Two shots of ceremony, Centennial cake prominent. Several striking shots of sparklers at night. CUs and LSs of fireworks, clock on Peace Tower marking 12h05, entertainers including Michèle Richard on stage with gogo dancers (women), of go-go dancer dancing the Charleston, illuminated cake. (30/06/1967)


Excerpt from
Queen Elizabeth's Visit to Ottawa- June, July 1967
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm original ektachrome
Aspect ratio