Sequence showing Royal Canadian Air Force Northstar being checked on tarmac before flight at Dorval Airport, tractor pulling load of supplies moving towards plane, RCAF crew approaching plane and camera, civilian and military passengers boarding. Shots of port engine being started, RCAF ground crewman standing by with extinguisher. CS of port propellor turning slowly. Various interior shots of Northstar, of passengers sitting along walls. LS of flying boxcar approaching camera. Closer shot of flying boxcar at Resolute. Sequence showing flying boxcar being loaded with oil drums. LS of two men gassing up flying boxcar. LS of boxcar taxiing for take off at Alert Bay. MS of United States Air Force amphibious plane taxiing across frame. Shots of men in parkas walking towards and away from camera, snow on ground. Shots of men cutting ice blocks, carrying blocks into Nissen hut. CS of wind velocity spoons whirling in wind. CSs of three men wearing parkas. LS of USAF DC-6 approaching landing strip, landing, taxiing up to camera. LSs of USAF DC-6 being loaded, of settlement, of weather station at Alert Bay. Rear shot of pilot in Northstar. LS of wind velocity spoons. MS of RCAF flag flying from pole, snowbank in foreground. LSs of tractor approaching boxcar. PAN of several men waving at the plane. CU of white man smoking a cigarette and showing Inuit child the airplane.