Quintuplets' 13th birthday (30/05/1947): MLS of Dionne family house, postman walking up to door. Shots of Dionne quintuplets at window watching postman arriving, leaving window to open door. Shots of girls opening door, greeting postman, receiving letters and parcels from postman. MS of David Fingard, breeder of great dane dogs, presenting quintuplets with great dane puppy. Shots of girls petting puppy. MS abd CS of quintuplets singing (no sound). Shots of Dionne family posing for photographer. (Posing; back row: Ernest, Emilie, Annette, Yvonne, Cecile, Marie, Ernest's wife; front row: Alexander, Oliva, baby, Mrs Dionne and Victor) MS of quintuplets sitting on floor, opening presents. CS of girls showing each other their gifts. MS of quintuplets at birthday dinner guests, including Monsignor Alexander Vachon, Archbishop of Ottawa and Reverend Martel, chaplain of Dionne home, sitting with girls' parents on other side of table.