STK-ID 20755

[Remark: the Royal Canadian Air Force has at its disposition the latest means of fire-fighting.] Interior shot of plane, officer talking including CU of plane's controls. Exterior shots of Airspeed Convertible "Envoy" airplane, officer stepping out, waving and walking away as plane taxiis and takes off. AIR TO AIR SHOTs of plane, cut to interior shots of cockpit and pilot. Sequence on fire at airfield showing fire fighting vehicles waiting as plane approaches, plane flying low above runway, vehicles rushing to aid. Shots of plane crashing, fire starting, fire fighters in asbestos suits walking into flames, as others spray flames. Shot of pilot being placed on stretcher and into ambulance. Shots of airman putting on asbestos suit, of two men dressed in asbestos suits walking to and from small fire. Shot of men being helped out of asbestos suits by comrades.


Excerpt from
Fire Fighting
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio