[Remark: an Inuit man called Nookoodlah is tried for murder of Robert Janes of Crawford, Baffin Island. The defendant is found guilty and sentenced to two years in Stony Mountain Penitentiary.] Various shots of court consisting of officers of the CGS Arctic, of Captain JE Bernier, of members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, of Staff Sergeant Joy prosecuting, of Judge Rivett, of Inuit police interpreter. Shot of defendant flanked by two RCMP constables. Shot of Judge Rivett adressing Inuits before leaving. Various shots of Inuits listening, cheering, of Inuit hut, of Nookoodlah "kissing" his wife. Shot of CGS Arctic sailing through ice floes, breaking ice at Pond Inlet. Various shots taken at Dundas Harbour showing RCMP outpost, men handling supplies. Sequence shot aboard ship showing ice floes floating by, RCMP constable silhouetted against bright sea, iceberg in the distance. [titles interspersed]