STK-ID 20849

[Title] Wheatfield to airfield: FOLLOW SHOT, PAN past a parked aircraft, of three Hawker Typhoons taking off in distance. AERIAL SHOT of airfield. Sequence on operation of a plant for production of rubberized fabric for construction of airfields, including loading of rolls of fabric on board freighter. HAS of tanks moving by, seen through gap in ruined wall of house. LAS of tank moving by the camera. Two shots of British soldiers walking in single file on road. Cut to ruined house being blown up, huge amount of dust and smoke. A mechanical shovel clears away debris. Shot of bulldozer knocking down a large tree. Sequence on man sweeping wheat field with mine detectors, discovering a mine. CU of hand diffusing mine, lifting mine up. Farmer is shown harvesting his wheat with team of horses. Sequence on army surveyors at work. CU of cow, head on, chewing on mouthful of hay. Sequence on construction machinery levelling field. Several CUs of parts of machinery at work. Sequence on men laying rubberized fabric. Three shots of farmer and two soldiers chatting with pilot of aircraft as latter sits in cockpit. LSs of aircraft taking off. Cut to two-shot of farmer and helper looking up at sky. Low level AERIAL SHOTs of airfield. [End title]


Excerpt from
Reportages nº 88
England, France
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, i, g, h, t, s, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , v, e, r, i, f, i, e, d, , f, o, r, , m, u, s, i, c, , a, n, d, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , /, , D, r, o, i, t, s, , à, , v, é, r, i, f, i, e, r, , p, o, u, r, , l, a, , m, u, s, i, q, u, e, , e, t, , l, a, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, .
Available formats
HDCAM SR, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
1920 x 1080