Royal Family help in harvest: MLS of Sandringham Castle. Shots of grounds, flower garden, beets growing in vegetable garden, lawn. Three shot of King George VI, Princess Elizabeth and Margaret Rose on bicycles. PAN to Queen Elizabeth in a carriage. FOLLOW SHOT, MLSs, CUs of carriage with Queen Elizabeth consort and the King and Princesses on bicycles. CUs of faces of all four as they ride, smile. The Royal Family (King George VI, Queen Elizabeth consort and Princesses) stop at a grain field, chat with man, look at stooks of grain and watch tractor and combine in operation. They stroll about and chat. Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret ride the combine briefly. CUs of King George VI watching baling machine, of Princess Elizabeth and her dog, of the Princess holding a horse by the bridle. Queen Elizabeth consort is shown chatting with a group of children, with the farmer. Queen Elizabeth consort returns to her carriage and gets to hold the reins. Shots of King George VI, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret following on bicycles.