[Title] La science canadienne au service des aviateurs (Frank's Flying Suit): exterior shot of building at research centre, two airmen entering. Sequence on test subject being wired, stepping into centrifuge as operator stands by. Lights go out. Centrifuge with lighted cab in is shown spinning. Air force technician keeps an eye on the measuring device and read-out. Centrifuge comes to a stop. The lights go on. CU of graph read-out. Face MS of man getting into centrifuge gondola. Technician starts machine. Cut to centrifuge spinning rapidly. Interior shot of gondola and of man beginning to show effects of high G's. Cut to series of dissolves showing evolution of Frank's flying suit in various stages with dates. Test subject shows no appreciable effects from high G spin. Cut to exterior shot of air force officer standing by building. Plaque in background on the wall reads "University of Toronto Banting Institute". Cut to PAN of group of officers chatting.