STK-ID 21262

Quebec Conference (00/09/1944): TILT UP to top of Château Frontenac. CU of hotel, pass to conference. Sequence on newsroom, reporters working at desk, telegraphing stories, intercut with three shots of Château Frontenac Hotel, of Citadel. Shots of Ancienne Lorette Airport, of Beechcraft "Voyager" transport taxiing to a stop, Sir John Dill, Chief of British Welfare Mission to Washington, Admiral Sir Percy Noble, delegate of the admiralty in Washington and Air Marshall Sir William Welsh stepping out of plane. Profile shot of Sir John Dill. Shots of the other officers. Shot of US transport plane taxiing to a stop, General GC Marshall stepping out, Air Marshall GS Leckie and General McMurchie greeting him. Shots of General GC Marshall being driven away, entering Château Frontenac. Sequence on Prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King arriving at station, being greeted. CUs of his face. Sequence on Governor general Earl of Athlone and Princess Alice of Battenberg arriving and being greeted. Sequence on Winston Churchill arriving by CN train, walking with entourage of Royal Canadian Mounted Police constables, dignitaries, Mackenzie King, Lady Clementine Churchill. Two-shots of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Churchill meeting, chatting. FOLLOW HAS of Roosevelt and Governor general Athlone in open car, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and secret service men present. TRAVELLING SHOT through tunnels as camera car drives into Citadel, sentry pointing way, Royal Canadian Mounted Police saluting. LS of motorcade coming out of tunnel onto parade ground. Various shots of tri-service honour guard presenting arms, being inspected from moving car. Profile CU of Brigadier Blais. Shots of men parading. Shot of sign "Censure - Censorship". CU of man censoring news dispatches. Shot of Lady Churchill, Earl of Athlone, President Roosevelt, Princess Alice, Churchill, Eleanor Roosevelt and Mackenzie King posing. Various closer shots of individuals and couples. Shots of newsmen taking pictures, of the three wives posing together, Eleanor Roosevelt, Princess Alice and Lady Churchill. PAN to Mackenzie King and Governor general Athlone chatting. Shots of Eleanor Roosevelt "talking" to her dog, Falla. CU of Eleanor Roosevelt smiling, Athlone in background. Shot of censor working on news releases.


Excerpt from
Reportages nº 80
L'Ancienne-Lorette, Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486