STK-ID 21312

Fathers' Day at Saint-Jerome Military School: MS of gate of Saint-Jerome Military School grounds and cut to Union Jack. Sequence on civilian men being made honourary soldiers, being escorted to officer who assigns them beds in barracks. Civilians receive blankets and are escorted to barracks at Saint-Jerome Military School. Sequence on entertainment in camp recreation hall, Saint-Jerome Military School; military orchestra playing on bandstand, with CUs of some of the musicians; soldiers seated at tables, some with girls. A lieutenant-colonel makes a speech, followed by speech by one of the fathers. Shots of entertainment provided by the soldiers themselves, they are singing, playing harmonica duet. Cut to barracks, civilians chatting, sleeping. At reveille, bugler plays his piece while flag is hoisted up. Civilians line up and make like soldiers. Sequence on soldiers going through assault training while civilians watch, racing over obstacles in smoke, dashing past the camera. Parade and sports day. Various shots of races, jumps, pole vaulting, with civilians participating in a few of the events, but mostly watching from sidelines. Couple of shots of starter firing pistol upwards, of soldiers in hobby-horse race, in tug of war and in greased-pole-climbing event. March past of men with camp officers taking salute. Civilians participate in march past, wearing tin helmets and carrying guns.


Excerpt from
Reportages nº 82
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486