[Title: "Dernière classe" (Last class)] Australian airmen graduate from Canadian flying school (00/02/1945): sequence on airmen from various countries parading to classes, studying Morse communication, piloting a Link trainer. HAS and level shots of men walking to Harvard trainers with their parachutes, preparing to taxi away. Others board a twin-engine trainer. Level and HAS of Harvard trainer taxiing past the camera, of three trainers taxiing away. HAS of twin-engine trainer taxiing past. FOLLOW SHOT LS of same taxiing and taking off. Control tower in the foreground. AIR TO AIR SHOT of three Harvards flying in formation. Cut to CU of face of one of the pilots, intercut with shots of clouds, ground far below, other Harvards in flight. Ground view of Harvard landing, of twin-engine trainers landing. Pilots walk past the camera and trainers as they head for dispersal. HAS of wings parade and level shots of airmen geting their wings. Shots of spectators. Sequence on airman being accompanied to train by woman, taking his leave, waving from train's rear platform as train pulls away.