[Title: "Culture physique" (physical training)] CU of man's feet on scale. Cut to men having chests measured. Cut to meeting, people seated around table, discussing physical state of Canadians. Swift montage of men and women performing various physical exercises, sports. Slower sequence on cyclists on road, hikers on woodland trail. TILT UP long sprawling waterfall, horseback riders in woods, canoers, campers.
Excerpt from
Reportages nº 49
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, i, g, h, t, s, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , v, e, r, i, f, i, e, d, , f, o, r, , m, u, s, i, c, , a, n, d, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , /, , D, r, o, i, t, s, , à, , v, é, r, i, f, i, e, r, , p, o, u, r, , l, a, , m, u, s, i, q, u, e, , e, t, , l, a, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, .