Presentation of honour roll in Sherbrooke: HAS over parade ground full of servicemen and women. Cut to LAS of sign: "CWAC Pipe Band" and to pipe band. Shots of the brass arriving: Major General RJ Renaud, Major Paul Triquet, Victoria Cross, Air Vice-Marshal Adélard Raymond, Brigadier Blais, Mayor JW Genest and others. Navy band parades preceded by sign with "Navy Band - Saint Hyacinthe" on it; same shot of air force band with "RCAF Band - Lachine". Reviewing stand with many dignitaries on it, row of flags visible in background. Canadian Women's Army Corps pipe band parades by. Royal Canadian Air Force band, a detachment of Women's Royal Naval Service, a Red Cross ambulance, a mobile antiaircraft battery. Darkish shot of army officer speaking in microphone. FOLLOW SHOT of Mayor JW Genest walking past the camera to unveil honour roll. LAS of monument with honour roll inscribed and closer shots of names, people looking at it.