French maquis in Canada: shots of visitors speaking to a small audience in a small hall. Cut to the men chatting. Various LASs of Montreal buildings: Notre-Dame Reine du monde Cathedral, a skyscraper, Notre Dame Church on Place d'Armes, Saint Joseph Oratory, the Université de Montréal main building. Cut away to the two maquis and a girl looking at the sights. The visitors arrive at military hospital and are met by a couple of greeters. Cut to steam train pulling into Three Rivers station past camera. The group of maquis and their hosts visit a paper mill. Two interior shots of them looking on. Cut to honour roll of Canadian International Paper employees who died for their country. Shots of reception in honour of the visitors. Arrival of the visitors in Quebec City. LAS of Château Frontenac. Cut to interior, reception in honour of visitors. Shots of public buildings, visitors coming out, similar shots of the Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire Church. LAS of Château Frontenac. Underexposed TILT UP of Peace Tower in Ottawa. TILT UP of cenotaph in Confederation Square. Cut to French Embassy. Interior of press conference. Cut to scenes of General Charles De Gaulle entering in Paris, crowd, maquis accompanying the General. Cut to the Arc de Triomphe, traffic moving through.