STK-ID 21867

[Title: "Grande Vallée célèbre son centenaire" (Grande Vallée Centenary)] PAN of neat stonework in a small park near the beach, men at work on platform. Shot of a woman cleaning up small girl's face, combing her hair. Shot of another woman washing her windows. Sequence on women bringing food for celebration, pies, cake. LAS of pennant marking centenary. HAS over large crowd and cut to clergy officiating at ceremonies, giving sermons blessing things. CUs of faces of people present. The two last LAS CUs show Lieutenant colonel Perreault and the Honourable Charles Perreault Casgrain. LAS MCSs of choir, youngsters singing, priest conducting choir, hands of organist on keys. LAS of consecration at altar. Soldiers in battle dress slope arms after presentation of arms. Officiating bishop gives benediction. Cut to LAMCS of Colonel Dupuis, Officer Commanding of the Fusiliers du Saint-Laurent. Clergy walk by the camera after ceremony followed by marching soldiers. Sequence on inspection of soldiers by military officers and a civilian, the descendant of Alexis Caron who founded Grande Vallée. CU of shoulder flash "Les fusiliers du St-Laurent". HAS and level shots of march past of soldiers as a high-ranking clergyman takes the salute. CUs of military bandsmen playing. Unveiling of plaque to pioneers of village by Mr Caron and laying of wreath. Shot of child, another descendant of the original pioneers.


Excerpt from
Reportages nº 45
National Film Board
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 16mm print b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486