Sequence on wranglers rounding up wild horses, driving them across hill and dale and through streams and into a corral. HAS of horses in corral shot from top of fence, of cowboys roping one, of man riding it. HAS of frantic horses crowding against fence as rider selects horses for breaking. Cut back to range, men herding and driving horses through the foothills and into stock pens at railroad. HAS of horses moving into pens and into cattle cars. Final of cattle train pulling out and of herd of wild horses on prairies in the distance. [End title]
Excerpt from
Chevaux sauvages
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, i, g, h, t, s, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , v, e, r, i, f, i, e, d, , f, o, r, , m, u, s, i, c, , a, n, d, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , /, , D, r, o, i, t, s, , à, , v, é, r, i, f, i, e, r, , p, o, u, r, , l, a, , m, u, s, i, q, u, e, , e, t, , l, a, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, .