Family Rosary Crusade Rally: shots of De La Salle "Oaklands" band and clergy in white surplices parading past crowded grandstand, of high clergy including James C. Cardinal McGuigan escorted by Knights of Colombus in procession. MLS of Cardinal McGuigan sitting on throne. PAN along banner "The Family that prays together stays together". Shot of altar, statue of Our Lady of Fatima. PAN of several hundred of nuns and priests in Grandstand, of some of the 30,000 people attending. Various shots of Cardinal McGuigan speaking, of Reverend Patrick Peyton, founder of The Family Prayer Crusade speaking. Slow PAN of CNE Grandstand filled to capacity. Sequence on Cardinal leaving, escorted by Knights of Columbus. LAMS of statue of Our Lady of Fatima on loan from Portugal for the occasion. (24/05/1950)