Remembrance Day (Ottawa, 1947): HALSs of marching men in Confederation Square, crowd assembled to watch proceedings. HAS of Cenotaph (National War Memorial), TILT DOWN to marching military. Closer HASs of men marching. Level shot of soldiers marching onto Parliament Hill by East Block gate. Sequence on men marching to positions on Parliament Hill, Peace Tower in background, Parliament Buildings. Several shots of temporary cenotaph in front of Centre Block, soldiers on guard. Governor general and Lady Alexander arriving, taking salute as flags are dipped. Profile shots of women of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, soldiers. Focus on clock on Peace Tower, 11 o'clock. CU of face of sailor. HAS of proceedings from top of East Block, soldiers drawn up on parade, crowd lining sides of field. Sequence on governor general depositing first wreath at foot of cenotaph, acting prime minister Louis Saint-Laurent, High Commissioner from India, members of the diplomatic corps. Shots of Union Jack flags moving past cenotaph. Shot of several wreaths at foot of monument. Sequence on march past of units, governor general taking the salute.