[Title: "Couvoir coopératif" (Co-operative hatcheries)] Shot of vintage car driving up to hatchery. LACU of man unloading egg crates from rumble seat, French sign "Couvoir coopératif de Marieville" in background on building. Interior shots of man stacking crates. Sequence on two men processing eggs, weighing and placing eggs on racks. Eggs are then wheeled over candling light and stored away in incubator. Shots of man taking rack from incubator and transfering chicks to cartons which are sealed, punched with air holes, addressed and wheeled out for transportation.
Excerpt from
Reportages nº 38
Quebec (province)
National Film Board
Restriction Information
R, i, g, h, t, s, , m, u, s, t, , b, e, , v, e, r, i, f, i, e, d, , f, o, r, , m, u, s, i, c, , a, n, d, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, , /, , D, r, o, i, t, s, , à, , v, é, r, i, f, i, e, r, , p, o, u, r, , l, a, , m, u, s, i, q, u, e, , e, t, , l, a, , n, a, r, r, a, t, i, o, n, .
Available formats
Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk, HDCAM SR, Digital Bétacam