Irradiation room, Princess Margaret Hospital: MCSs of nurse (woman) at control panel, talking into microphone, adjusting controls, PAN to flashing sign "BETATRON ON". CU of sign. MS of patient (man) on Betatron, DOLLY IN to CU of patient. Shot of Dr Cunningham and nurse (woman) coming in and taking patient away. MS of automatic brain scanner at work on patient (man), nurse (woman) at controls, Dr Altt checking on patient. DOLLY IN to CS of patient. Sequence on cobalt therapy unit showing revolving "Cobalt X- Otron" unit revolving around patient (woman), HAS of woman being treated, view of control panel in control room, unit seen through glass, woman being treated in irradiation room, nurse and doctor watching from window of control room visible in background. Sequences showing nurse (woman), then intern (man) adjusting other type of therapy unit to patient's (woman) neck.