STK-ID 22455

Static LS of Franklin Delano Roosevelt standing on dais covered with striped awning, delivering speech. Shots of Roosevelt speaking (sound), he opens by reaffirming his friendship for Canada and Canadians and by stating his pleasure at being once again on Canadian soil. He refers to Campobello, to the Maritimes, to Ontario and "that Great Empire which extends west of it" and to Quebec as he speaks of the empathy which Americans have for things Canadians. Quebec, particularly, is well considered as the land whose battlefields have seen the birth of a "Living Miracle" and whose ethos is that created by two great races co-operating in peace and friendship in the molding of a nation. Roosevelt then deplores the references to him as a foreigner in the newspapers, stating that Americans in Canada are not foreigners but Americans, just as Canadians in the USA are not foreigners but Canadians. He speaks of the undefended border and of the freedom of access to either country by citizens of both and of the example afforded by this fact to other nations. Roosevelt mentions the recent trade agreement signed by Canada, Great Britain and the US, he touches of the fact that both countries have similar forms of government and he close the excerpt by referring to the recent death of King George V.


Excerpt from
Roosevelt In Quebec
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486