HAS of dense crowd filling frame. Shots from various angles and distances of crowds, spectators, an elderly woman with an umbrella, children in their Sunday best waving flags, two women smoking, HAMCS of Scouts walking through crowd, of adults with children, baby in a baby carriage, Girls' Guide with cameras. Various shots of crowds and spectators in Montreal, of people crowding the sidewalks, of watchers lining streets, of families watching from porches, sitting in the stairs, of four nuns crossing street, of girls in school uniforms, of group of nuns sitting on the porch in front of their convent. Shots of thousands of children waving flags in Delorimier Stadium. CUs, MSs and LSs of spectators lining walls, watching from top of large cannons in Fort Henry. Shots of dense crowd in Trois-Rivières, PAN to top of monument. Various shots of spectators with children, of dignitaries sitting down. (Good shots of crowds)