LAMS of royal train entering station in Calgary. MSs of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip getting off train, being welcomed by dignitaries, inspecting naval honour guard, motorcade driving off and CS of children waving. Brief CS of Indigenous man dancing. CU of Chief wearing feathered headdress. MS of royal limousine arriving at village. MS of presentation of gift to Princess Elizabeth, Chief is present. MLS of people crowding Indigneous village, tepees visible. LS of royal party arriving at rodeo in calèche. HASs of bull-riding, broncobusting, chuck wagon race (little snow on the ground). MSs of Indigenous men and women wearing regalia dancing in village, royal couple being welcomed, presentation of gift. HASs of royal couple arriving at rodeo. PAN of crowd in grandstand. MS of Princess Elizabeth freezing. More shots of rodeo, broncobusting and chuck wagon racing intercut with cheering crowd in grandstand.