[Title: "Il était un petit navire" (Community Boat Building)] HA PAN of buildings of small village clustered around church. MLS of church, two pedestrians. Cut to other buildings, man in cutter trotting by camera on uncleared street. Shot of church, woman with child, two pedestrians in foreground. Reverse angle of street, boy riding dogsled rapidly past camera, group of children racing by from opposite direction. Static shot of motor schooners on frozen beach, PAN of several schooners stuck in ice. Shots of schooner being built in open air, workers struggling in snow in some shots, using some machine tools, steam freight train steaming by in background in one shot, thick black smoke pouring out of stack. Shots of men using motor planer, using hand planes, preparing to steam timber, hauling timber to machines and to partially constructed schooner. Sequence on men using tools, CU of faces of men as they work on progressively more complete schooner. LAS of partially completed deck house, name of boat "Pere Toussaint". LAS of church steeple through budding branches. Shot of crowd in front of church. Shot of iron cross on bank of Saint Lawrence River free of ice. HAS of crowd at launching. Sequence of men preparing boat for lauching. Bow-on shot of boat on beach, dwarfing men. MSs and CUs of village women looking at boat. Cut to priest blessing boat. MLS of boat sliding sideways into water. Shot of men on bow manning pump to correct list as crowd watches from beach, children throwing rocks into water. MS of schooner "Cap-aux-Rets" moving by camera. BOATING SHOTs of schooners at anchor off beach, two sailors of camera boat in lower foreground, one waving at schooner. ELS of schooner sailing under power on Saint Lawrence River, naval ensign of camera boat visible in foreground. [End title]