Sequence on wooded, precipitous shores of Saint Lawrence River below Quebec City, odd glimpse of buildings in the distance. LSs of Quebec City looking up stream, lowering clouds above. Closer shot of harbour, white ocean liner at wharf, Château Frontenac and Price Building visible. BOATING SHOT of lower town and of Citadel far above. BOATING SHOT of fortifications. Shot of antique mortars and heavy guns pointing out towards river. Dark interior shot of office, glary semi-circular windows in background, silhouettes of people at work. Progressively closer shots of Quebec Bridge as camera ship moves towards and underneath bridge. Cut to power house and to unidentified city. BOATING SHOT of village, of grain elevators, of paper mill, stock piles prominent. Dissolve to MLS of lighthouse and ancillary buildings. Cut to composite picture of buoy and three floating hazards to navigation. BOATING SHOT of two other lighthouses. BOATING SHOTs on dredges at mid-stream. Cuts to captain of one dredge, to huge scoops in operation, to mud and rocks flowing into hopper on camera ship.