STK-ID 23038

Sequence on float parade through street of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia showing bands, sailors pulling gun and caisson, intercut with shots of spectators. Shots of little league baseball game in progress. Shots of three girls in Scottish kilts walking on street. CSs of woman combing hair and dressing two small boys. Various shots of people at midway, ride in background. Long TRAVELLING SHOT past row of spectators. Cut to several fishing boats racing. Shots of many boats of all types moving about in harbour, of sailboats racing, of dories and various other types of boats and competitions. Night shots of people on midway, of rides blurring past camera. Shot of man shucking clams in a competition. Day HASs of midway, rides, large crowd present.


Excerpt from
The Sea Got in Your Blood
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 16 mm
Shooting format
16mm neg b&w
Aspect ratio