Sequence showing bearded man lying down on SS Beothic's deck, napping while holding binoculars on his stomach, being waked up, watching bird with binoculars. Shots interspersed with FOLLOW CUs of sandpiper on ship's deck. CS of man photographing bird. CU of hand tapping on telegraph key, dissolve to telegram. LS of Chesterfield Inlet on shore, launch sailing past in foreground. Shots of motor launch moving by SS Beothic. MS of members of expedition posing on ship's deck. Several shots of animals in experimental fox farm, foxes looking alarmed by man's presence. MS of two men on ship's bridge, looking through telescope. Sequence at Resolution Island showing motor lauch moving in bay, SS Aranmore and SS Sambro anchored in the distance, CU of hand tapping on telegraph key, dissolve to telegram. Sequence on unloading of material for construction of Department of Marine and Fisheries radio direction finder station using system of cable cars. Shots of the two Inuit kayaks racing past camera, ice floe in background. Sequence on fire burning on SS Beothic, large cloud of smoke, sailors fight fire. Shot of SS Beothic bucking at sea as seen from port hole. AERIAL SHOTs of ship at sea. CU of newspaper headline announcing return of SS Beothic to North Sydney. [Titles interspersed]