Shot of mountains from shore of Lake Louise, TILT DOWN to partially ice-covered lake. Four men on skis standing on shore, looking at mountain panorama. Shot of train pulling in Banff Station, snow banks in foreground by station house. Four men stepping down from train, carrying their skis. Cut to men putting skis on, heading off past Pipestone Creek as Mounts Temple and Saddleback loom over in background. Various shots of skiers moving across frozen lake, through mountain decors. Shot of men squatting down in snow to eat. Shots of the four skiers relaxing at way station, sitting on porch, talking. Various shots of men skiing across mountain landscapes, coasting down slopes of virgin snow, inspecting large ice cave, climbing featureless slope, negotiating low jumps. Several shots of the four men skiing down slopes at full speed, some falling, tearing down slope between small evergreen trees. Shot of men boarding train for trip back home, of train leaving.