MS of huge snow drift on Regina street, streetcar moving by high snowbank. Shot of boy shovelling through a drift in front of home. MS of closed Regina school. Shots of woman shovelling perpendicular cut through seven foot drift in front of home, woman, man walking through it. Cut to snow removing machine at work on street. Short sequence of men loading casualty aboard ambulance plane. LACU of propeller of Norseman ski plane turning, taxiing. Shots of railway snow plough backing up, charging snow drift, scattering snow all around. Shot of men sledding fuel for stranded locomotive. Shot of locomotive buried in snow. Several shots of group of shovellers at work on buried track. Shot of cut made in snow on Canadian National Railway line near Regina, drift averaged 15 feet deep and extended 3000 feet. CU of top of telegraph line sticking out of snow. Shots of locomotive dwarfed by high snowbanks on both sides of track. MS of engineer at window of cab. Shots of locomotive moving slowly through cut past camera. Rear shot of plough ramming through snow drift. Shots of train from Vancouver arriving at Regina on re-opened line. Sequence on man clearing snow with bulldozer. Several shots of stalled cars in Montreal, men shovelling, high snowbanks. (00/02/1947)