[Title] Shot of peaceful, tree-covered lakeshore in Ontario, lake at left, forest in background. Long sequence on young man fishing from rocks, forest ranger paddling up, chatting with young fisherman. CU of badge pinned to forest ranger's suspenders: Ontario Fire Ranger. Shot of young fisherman, Mr Baldwin, putting out campfire, arriving by train at station, meeting Chief Fire Ranger. Sequence showing Baldwin tripping on track, breaking his fishing pole, walking down track to Fire Ranger camp. Various shots of men chopping underbrush, nailing fire warnings on tree trunks. Shot of Baldwin going to work, tripping again, sprawling. Several shots of wooden lookout tower being built, odd comedy routine thrown in again. Shot of the two men climbing tower when finished. TILT UP tower and men climbing. Vertical LAS of men going up inside safety hoops. Shots of men in cabin atop tower, of surrounding forest land. Sequence on rustic road in bush, men working on telephone poles, men rolling up fire hoses. Shot of three men repairing railroad motorcar. Shot of gateway with sign re obtaining travel permit. Shot of car driving up and motorists getting permit. Sequence on tower man spotting fire, pinpointing it with locator, reporting position to headquarters. Information is relayed to field rangers. Sequence on men speeding to fire on motorcar. [Titles interspersed]