Eye Witness No. 88: The River Pilot - A Shepherd for Shipping: shot of large sea-going tugboat floating close to docks in harbour. LS of "Empress of Scotland". MS of ocean liner, PAN to tugboat approaching, of "Empress of Scotland" and tugboat side by side. MS of wooden river cargo ship. Similar shot of cargo and launch approaching, sidling to ship. Shot of pilots climbing aboard ship, launch heading away from ship. MSs and LSs of "Empress of Scotland", of cargo ships, of tugboat on river, of village on riverbank at the foot of high tree-covered hill. MS of lighthouse, blurred outline of "Empress of Scotland" in background. CU of bow of "Empress of Scotland", name visible, swish PAN to tugboat "Citadelle" at side of liner. Shot of "Empress of Scotland", stacks belching smoke. Shot of tugboat towing "Empress of Scotland". Night LAMSs of lighthouse light. BOATING SHOT of river shore, village church visible. Oblique bow shots of "Empress of Scotland", of tugboat at her side, of tugboat leaving, of "Empress of Scotland" alone.