STK-ID 23961

Static, PAN and BOATING SHOTs of millions of logs in boom near Shawinigan Falls. Sequence on mechanical sorter separating four feet logs from longer logs, full jack ladder in operation, logs going up to sorter, being sorted. Shots of men guiding logs to flume bypassing power house. Various shots of four feet logs in mill pond, Canadian International Paper Newsprint Mill, largest in the world, visible in background in some shots. Shots of alligator boat butting its way through logs. BOATING SHOTs of logs from bow of alligator boat. Sequence on logs going up to mill on jack ladder, men guiding logs. Shots of stock pile. Sequence on visit by Premier Maurice Duplessis, welcome sign, official party arriving, Premier Duplessis cutting ribbon to signify opening of "Open House Week", Premier Duplessis and party, including mill manager Jack West, touring mill, Premier Duplessis symbolically hooking sling to crane hook prior to hoisting roll of newsprint aboard ship. CU's of labels at ends of rolls. Shots of rolls being hoisted aboard freighter. (22/06/1948)


Excerpt from
St-Maurice Pulp Log Drive
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Digital Video Disk, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486