STK-ID 24125

[Title: Strange doings in Beaverland] Front shot of Grey Owl (Archie Belaney) carrying packsack and other bags walking through forest past camera, arriving at his cabin on shore of Lake Ajawaan, entering to find that beavers had gnawed the legs of his furniture. Slow BOATING SHOT of Grey Owl standing on edge of lake, calling his beaver friends, cabin in background, Grey Owl shoving off in canoe. CUs of surface of water, beavers splashing water and disappearing below surface. Various shots of Grey Owl travelling in his canoe. Sequence of MSs, CUs of beaver working on his dam, hauling sticks through water and putting them in place. Shot of finished dam. Several shots of beaver entering Grey Owl's cabin, intercut with shots of beaver working on dam or shelter. Shot of beaver dragging away Grey Owl's hat and coat. MSs, CUs of Grey Owl petting beaver. CU of beaver resting. LS of Grey Owl's cabin, water in foreground. Grey Owl standing on edge of lake, CU of man looking about. (Titles interspersed)


Excerpt from
Strange Doings in Beaverland
National Film Board
Available formats
Digital Bétacam, Reel 35 mm, Digital Video Disk
Shooting format
35mm fine grain b&w, 35mm dupe neg b&w
Aspect ratio
Available resolutions
720 x 486