STK-ID 24149

Students European Tour (29/06/50): front shot of the "SS Volendam" of the Holland American Line moored to Quebec city wharf. Shot of name. Shots of students being processed by customs, going aboard. CUs of students boarding ship, of tags on suitcases. Two shots of girls writing telegrams. Shot of father shooting daughter with cine-camera as she boards ship. Various shots of students, parents on wharf. Various shots of students dancing. HALS of activity, people sitting. LAS of ship's whistle blowing, gangplank being removed. Sequence on departure, students on ship, parents on shore waving frantically. MS, MLS, LS of the "SS Volendam" leaving. Sequence on some American and Canadian students being interviewed (sound), identifying themselves, casually.


Excerpt from
Students European Tour
Quebec City
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm neg b&w, 35mm fine grain b&w
Aspect ratio