LS of Royal Canadian Mounted Police in darkness during sunset ceremony, of RCMP band marching towards and past both sides of camera. Shot of bass drummer wearing leopard skin marching away from camera, a few RCMP bandsmen visible in darkness in distance. Lengthy MS of Maple Leaf flag flying in the wind against dark background. Two shots of flag coming down, being untied by RCMP constables. Closer shot of RCMP constable untying flag. Lengthy shot of flag against dark background. Three shots of monuments, fountains at Garden of Provinces, TILT UP flag poles to provincial flags. Three shots of Rideau Canal, lush verdure, scenic boat on canal. Two shots of rear of Parliament Buildings from Major Hill Park. MLS of Confederation Building, Supreme Court from Interprovincial Bridge. PAN to rear of Centre Block. LAS of Peace Tower clock at 11h00 am. Two rear shots of Parliament Buildings from across river. Several shots of Sparks Street mall showing people resting, walking about, studying paintings at outdoor exhibition, bright, colourful flowers are prominent. Front shot of model of Sopwith Camel at aviation museum. PAN to guard taking children on tour, pointing to models. Two TILT DOWNs to model of DH-3 Pusher.