STK-ID 24403

Historical reenactment: HAMLS of priest in 18th century dress strolling, reading breviary. HAS of two seigneurs strolling by, camera moving to Indigenous men walking by, one throwing spear casually. Shots of other resident of fort, of French soldiers circa 1700s parading leisurely. HASs of life in French fort showing townspeople, one carrying rack for stretching skin. TILT UP to French soldiers firing volley with muskets as fire band and drums move by in background, camera moving on to trappers walking by carrying birch bark canoe. TILT DOWN to lone Indigenous man. Shots of Indigenous men with lacrosse bars, trappers, townspeople, higher class people strolling. Shot of soldiers marching. Front shot of soldiers firing volley, PAN to marching band, Indians moving about in extreme foreground. Various MCSs of soldiers, MSs of soldiers and pipe band marching about, wall of fort in background. Shots of soldiers marching, two trappers playing cards on overturned pot, seigneurs walking by, trappers carrying canoe.


Excerpt from
Tattoo 67
National Film Board
Available formats
Video HI 8, Reel 35 mm
Shooting format
35mm eastman color neg
Aspect ratio